Professional GRASS GIS certification course

GRASS GIS is the leading free and open source Geographic Information System software suite used for geospatial data management and analysis. GRASS GIS is a great tool for working and process big data, such as the Sentinel remote sensing data from European Copernicus programme or other sources. We offer an introductory and advanced GRASS GIS training course from 18.-20. of April in Bonn, Germany.
The course will cover these contents:

  • Introduction to Open Source GIS; software installation on MS-Windows, Mac OS X, GNU/Linux
  • GRASS GIS exercises, integrated usage of QGIS-Processing-GRASS GIS
  • Geospatial data visualization
  • Vector geometry, topology, attribute management
  • Raster analysis, integrated vector/raster processing, time series analysis
  • Image processing: geocoding, image fusion, composites, indices, image classification of remote sensing data
  • GRASS GIS with R statistical language interaction
  • Software integration strategies with existing data infrastructures

Upon successful completion of the course, each participant will receive a certificate of participation.

Course Instructor
Markus Neteler has almost two decades of experience in GRASS GIS. His main research interests are remote sensing for environmental risk assessment and Free Software GIS development. He is author/co-author of two books on the Open Source Geographical Information System GRASS GIS and various papers on applications in GIS. He is founding-member of GRASS Anwender-Vereinigung e.V. and the Open Source Geospatial Foundation ( In September 2006, he was honored with the Sol Katz Award for Geospatial Free and Open Source Software (GFOSS). In 2010, he obtained the degree of a Doctor of Natural Science (Dr. rer. nat.) in Physical Geography. Markus Neteler was head of the GIS and Remote Sensing Unit at Fondazione Edmund Mach and will join mundialis GmbH & Co. KG in March 2016.
Markus contributes code to GRASS GIS development since 1998 as a developer and project coordinator.