Le Kollektiv – Meeting in Bonn

Le Kollektiv logo
Le Kollektiv working hard

Le Kollektiv is a formal network of 9 European Digital and New Space companies founded in July 2021 in Paris and coordinated by Prométhée, a French New Space start-up specializing in end-to-end Earth observation services. Le Kollektiv is convinced that the future of New Space goes through digitalization. Therefore, besides Prométhée and mundialis, the partners are LTU, a computer vision expert, IdPlizz from France, blockchain and smart ID verification company, VisioTerra from France, a scientific consultant in Earth Observation, Géo4i from France, a geo-intelligence specialist, Magellium from France, an Earth Observation data processing and geo-intelligence expert, Ororatech from Germany, detecting and monitoring forest fires from space and Climate & Company from Germany, a sustainable finance think-tank.

Le Kollektiv group photo taken on the river Rhine

Besides monthly exchanges about member company technology, activities and capacities, Le Kollektiv attempts to meet every 3-4 months in person and discuss business opportunities, the recruiting of new members, technical developments in the New Space Sector and other topics of interest. After meetings in September and December of 2021 in Paris it was decided to strengthen relationships by rotating the meeting locations and mundialis had the honour to welcome Le Kollektiv in Bonn on March 21st and 22nd.

Besides our internal discussions the German Space Agency (DLR), represented by their Earth Observation and Innovation & New Markets department, was our guest, which resulted in a lively exchange. Not only our goal of strengthening the network was reached but a visit to the birthplace of Beethoven and to HARIBO, the world famous sweet originating from Bonn, rounded off the experience in the former capital of Germany.