Guest lecture on “Medical Remote Sensing and GIS” at the University of Bonn

On 18 Jan. 2021 mundialis was invited to give a guest lecture on “Medical Remote Sensing and GIS” as part of the Geomatics Master Orientation Course at the GIUB at the University of Bonn, represented by Dr. Markus Neteler. mundialis was asked by Prof. Dr. Greve at the suggestion of his student T. Cürten.

Geomatik Seminar Uni Bonn - mundialis 2020

Mr Neteler was able to provide the participating students with answers to the following questions, among others, which had been clarified in advance:

  • What do remote sensing/GIS projects in the field of health research look like? What is the general procedure for researching and processing data? What does the work of mundialis in the field of health research look like?
  • Does mundialis have projects on the COVID-19 pandemic in particular? Which projects does mundialis supervise or support with data provided by mundialis?
  • What internship and work opportunities does mundialis offer for geographers and what qualifications should they bring with them?
  • What recommendations does the practice have for someone who wants to pursue a career in health in the context of GIS and remote sensing?

The slides of the presentation can be found here.

The feedback from the students was very good and we hope to be able to support teaching at universities in the future – for example through such guest lectures.